Video: TV Anchors Resign on Air
From Yahoo! News "The Lookout," Dylan Stableford reports:
Cindy Michaels and Tony Consiglio, anchors for ABC's WVII affiliate in Bangor, Maine, announced their joint resignations, citing a dispute with management over journalistic practices.
The Bangor Daily News reports the resignations like this: "Citing a longstanding battle with upper management over journalistic practices at their Bangor TV stations, news co-anchors Cindy Michaels and Tony Consiglio announced their resignations at the end of Tuesday’s 6 p.m. newscast."
“I just wanted to know that I was doing the best job I could and was being honest and ethical as a journalist, and I thought there were times when I wasn’t able to do that,” Consiglio is quoted as saying.
“It’s a culmination of ongoing occurrences that took place the last several years and basically involved upper management practices that we both strongly disagreed with,” Michaels reportedly said. “It’s a little complicated, but we were expected to do somewhat unbalanced news, politically, in general.”
We look forward to learning in more detail why these two news anchors resigned. Perhaps their experience will shed additional light on the crisis that characterizes what is now the formerly mainstream media.
Everyone one of us is responsible for what we know. And part of being salt and light in this dark world is to learn from experience, take a stand when such a stand is ethically required, and then to help light the way for others. This, too, is part of "love thy neighbor."
Here is video of the surprising on-air resignations by news anchors Cindy Michaels and Tony Consiglio.
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