Victory of the Demagogue
Hyatt Seligman writes at American Thinker:
Our newly re-elected, incompetent President is good at one thing: Chicago style politics. Kill your opponent by character assassination and promise freebies to your base. That's exactly how he beat Mitt Romney. . . .
The community organizing, empty-suit incumbent won by pandering to the Democratic base and defaming and distorting Romney into an evil caricature. His simple plan of dividing and conquering through fear, envy and class warfare trumped all else, barely. Appeals to race, gender and emotion triumphed over economic reason and self-interest and the good of the country.
And what is Obama's base?
For them, "the external world is not real. . . . What is real are their feelings and emotions. And why not? The modern American message to minorities and women is well learned by now. It's what our public schools have taught for fifty years. The most important thing about you is the color of your skin and what's between your legs."
Seligman concludes: "You get the government you deserve. Pray for America. We have let the dogs loose."
Obama: "Voting's the Best . . . Revenge"!? Video
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