"Pro-Life" McCain: Your Time Is Up
Ben Johnson reports at LifeSiteNews:
Former presidential nominee John McCain is urging Republicans to confine their support for the unborn to rhetoric but abandon thoughts of enacting new legislation.
Appearing on Fox News Sunday over the weekend, the Arizona senator said the GOP needs “a bigger tent” to be successful in presidential elections, and part of that means dropping social issues important to conservatives.
Echoing the talking point that men should not weigh in on a female issue McCain said, “I don’t think anybody like me --” then pointed to himself before changing gears abruptly. “I can state my position on abortion, but other than that, leave the issue alone, when we are in the kind of economic situation and, frankly, national security situation we’re in.”
This is the counsel of Republican collapse. As I have written elsewhere, it is a collapse that
. . . . began after the Reagan administration. Reagan understood that American liberty is rooted in a particular political philosophy. It's a vision that declares independence under God instead of dependence under the state. Because Reagan understood there is a vision-for-freedom, he also understood the need to be able to explain and articulate that vision-for-freedom. Unfortunately, then-Vice President George Bush (the elder), despite eight years of seeing Reagan in action, and of seeing that kind of vision win landslide victories at the polls, never seemed to appreciate "the vision thing."
And so the Reagan vision of Americans knowing the "freedoms that were intended for us by the Founding Fathers" (from "A Time for Choosing") would be lost. In addition, the rationale and ability to articulate that vision would be lost. More than that, resources to stand up against a contrary vision would be lost -- even if that contrary vision is false.
We hear today many calls for a third party. I'd settle for a second party.
Paper: Out of the Mainstream Obama "Breaking America's Spirit"
Really? "Extreme" Limbaugh, Tea Party Cost Romney the Election?