President's Bully in Chief: Obama Is Telling Kids, F--- Your Parents
Drew Zhan reports at WND:
A newly compiled video exposes the chief “anti-bullying” activist endorsed by the Obama administration spewing an obscenity-laced, startling message to “gay” kids in America.
The White House website, under its “Civil Rights” section, iincludes links and videos recorded by Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and others, supporting the mission of “gay” activist Dan Savage's It Gets Better Project, an effort to help homosexual teens survive bullying during their teenage years.
"But a recent video produced by the Faith Family Freedom Fund reveals Savage has touted the White House’s support as proof the president is backing his shocking message," reports WND.
And what does backing that message mean? This:
“That meant,” Savage says of Obama’s participation in his It Gets Better Project, “the president of the United States was telling queer kids, ‘There’s something wrong with your parents, there’s something wrong with your preachers, there’s something wrong with your teachers, and f--- those people!’”
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