Obama: "Voting's the Best . . . Revenge"!? -- Video
"It is mind-boggling, really, that this sort of snide, negative motivation is what President Obama has saved up for his final appeal," Jennifer Rubin comments at the Washington Post.
Here is Romney's counter, reported by the LATimes (watch Romney's remarks here):
“Yesterday, the president said something you may have heard by now that I think surprised a lot of people. Speaking to an audience he said, you know, voting is the best revenge.
He told his supporters, voting for revenge.
Vote for revenge?
Let me tell you what I’d like to tell you: Vote for love of country,” Romney said, and the crowd of more than 1,000 cheered.
“It is time we lead America to a better place.”
Breitbart has the Obama revenge video.
Texas Woman Denied Vote Over "Bible" T-Shirt
Why Vote Romney?