French Protests: Marriage = One Man + One Woman
Thaddeus Balinski reports at LifeSiteNews:
Hundreds of thousands of traditional marriage supporters demonstrated against same-sex “marriage” in France over the weekend.
On Saturday, a nationwide rally drew an estimated 200,000 protesters in Paris according to organizers, with tens of thousands more attending rallies throughout the country.
Almost 30,000 traditional marriage supporters demonstrated in the city of Lyon, according to a Reuters report. Police there reported that 40 counter-protesters were arrested after they attempted to disrupt the rally.
Note: The issue here is perhaps better framed not as "traditional marriage" vesus "gay marriage" but as real marriage -- marriage per se -- versus its homosexualist counterfeit, an artificial social construct that extremists seek to impose.
Or you can put it like this:
Pro-homosexualist extremists desperately want people to think of their radicalism as a civil rights issue -- but the kitty kat is let out of the bag once one realizes that acceptance of the "gay" agenda requires the rejection of the basis for any kind of humane and civil society.
You can find that basis expressed the Declaration of Independence, which roots unalienable human rights in the Creator, and not in the state, activist groups, nature "red in tooth and claw," a politician's scary know-it-all smile, or last week's "gender" truth at "Dude, We Are Totally With It" University.
We commend those companies that respect marriage and think with their brains instead of their pseudo-intellectual "transgender parts."
We brazenly commend a politics and polity that courageously affirms the truly liberating family norms endowed upon humanity by "the laws of nature and of nature's God."
We wantonly stand against extremist homosexualist hatreds that discriminate against the institution of marriage, that disrespect the male-female diversity of marriage, and despise the Creator's transcultural norms for human sexuality and married community.
"Go ahead, sweeten this hatred by calling it 'equality,' if it makes you feel better," I have written elsewhere. "But it's as real as a three-dollar bill. And, if truth be told, it's cruel and unloving to try to impose this brummagem upon society."
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