Playboy Shoot Absent From Candidate's Resume
Bob Unruh reports at WND:
A race for a state legislative seat in Washington state is turning white-hot with a report today that the Democrat challenger who describes herself as a Sunday school teacher appeared as a model in Playboy magazine.
According to the Western Center For Journalism, candidate Amy Biviano has been running for the state House of Representatives as a devoted wife and mother of two sons.
But the report said the campaign has been rocked by the exposure of her appearance in Playboy.
Does this mean political candidates are not allowed to be "proud of my body"? Or does it mean life in the grown-up real world doesn't allow such facile, demeaning, and money-grubbing rationalizations?
Bruni-Sarkozy and the Unbearable Lightness of Nudity
Rolled Model: Tennis Pro Harkleroad "Proud of My Body"