I Lived Socialism: A False Ideology Against Gold, Guns, God
Virginia Prodan experienced socialism first-hand in Communist Romania and now rings a bell of warning for us here. She writes:
Twenty-four years ago, I was a political refugee exiled from communist Romania to freedom in America. But today, America is in need of freedom.
Socialism is spreading in America like a horrible sickness.
It is time for those of us who experienced socialism to speak up.
To read Prodan's description of existence in Ceausescu's Romania is to realize that elements of that system of oppression and control are already in place in Obama's "fundamentally" transformed America.
Obama and his cadres in media, Hollywood, and the academy will do all in their power to maintain an outward shell of constitutionality. But this is propaganda. It is a language and veneer of freedom to manipulate the impression that all is well.
But inside the shell of "equality," "tolerance," and "fairness" is much darkness indeed. Inside is an establishment in extreme alienation and aggression against the Delcaration and Constitutional thoughtforms the yielded America as a "shining city on a hill" in the first place.
History show us that conditions can only get worse, far worse, if America is subjected to further oppression in a part 2 of the Obama regime.
Come November, in less than four weeks, we can rise up and throw the invader into the sea.
If Obama really wants to rule a fundamentally transformed country, maybe he should try moving his community organizing schtick to Red China. They don't have as many distractions there.