Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy Is on Your Screen
Don't Miss This: Self-described liberal Jonathan Chait writes at New York magazine:
We liberals owe not a small measure of our success to the propaganda campaign of a tiny, disproportionately influential cultural elite.
This capacity to mold the moral premises of large segments of the public, and especially the youngest and most impressionable elements, may or may not be unfair. What it is undoubtedly is a source of cultural (and hence political) power.
Chait says television transmits "an ethos in which greed is not only bad but the main wellspring of evil, authority figures of all kinds are often untrustworthy, sexual freedom is absolute, and social equality of all kinds is paramount. Within the moral universe of this [Hollywood] culture, the merits of these values are self-evident. But to the large bloc of America that does not share this ethos, it looks like a smug, self-perpetuating collusion against them."
"The American people have been lied to," explains Ben Shapiro at Big Hollywood. "We’ve been told that our entertainment was just that -- entertainment, as opposed to propaganda. That was false. And Americans, by ignoring the problem, have allowed it to fester."
What to do? "Until conservatives wake up and realize that they won’t win back their country without winning back their culture," Shapiro warns, "they will continue to lose their country to those who know how to manipulate emotions with script, lighting, and camerawork."
Those who say they are Christians should be especially concerned. Not just because of Hollywood's aggression against the rules of freedom and humanity, but also because redeemed visionaries have unique resources by which to respond with great creativity, depth, and humanity.
After all, creativity is a liberating gift from the Creator, one that human beings are called to exercise across the whole of reality, so that families and individuals and cities and societies may flourish in community with God and man.
Creativity is profoundly spiritual, and it is high time that Christians, as an emancipated humanity created in the image of God, express in a sustained way the wonder of transcendence and imagination throughout all of life, including creative life.
So writers, actors, thinkers, poets, sculptors, musicians, painters, speakers, and more -- this challenge is for you. Paint the trees, love the flowers, describe the hills, tell the story, and unfold the drama. Set the captives free. Ring the bell of liberty. And let history declare that humans qua humans are on the march again.
Politics is downstream from culture. And culture is downstream from salt and light.
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