Greece: Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Given "Police Powers" Over Immigrants
At International Business Times:
Greek police have been accused of directing the victims of crimes allegedly committed by immigrants to seek retribution from the violent neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party. . . .
Support for the Neo-Nazi party is soaring in the near-bankrupt state, as are racially motivated attacks on immigrants. . . .
[I]n September, a dozen flag-waving Golden Dawn supporters raided a street market in northeast Athens, asking migrants to show their passports and overturning their stalls to leave space for Greek vendors.
The reporting regarding the Neo-Nazi group Golden Dawn echos what we know of the critical events of 1930s Germany.
What is crucial is to learn from the past -- and the present. That is, to realize that similar events, with all-too-similar outcomes, can occur in any nation that lacks the cultural foundations to sustain human freedom and dignity.
Barack Obama and the Democrat Party, and not a few squishy secularized Republicans, have operated for years in alienation to those foundations.
The language and outward trappings of freedom are maintained, but the machinery, practice, and thoughtforms energizing the nuts and bolts of governance are in the opposite direction.
It can be argued, therefore, that both parties equally risk disaster, the Democrats at full speed, the Republicans at a jog. Or better, a stumble.
Societies built on shifting sand, and the freedoms of societies build on shifting sand, will not stand against the winds and rains of life in a broken world.
It matters not whether you call yourself Greece or the USA. It matters not whether you call yourself Democrat or Republican. When the foundations finally erode, the house of freedom will fall.
Far better to build the house upon the rock. Wind and rain will still come. Crisis is unavoidable in a broken world.
Let us, therefore, counsel realism, not despair. For a house built upon the rules of freedom, rooted in a real and verifiable Creator who endows humanity with unalienable rights, will stand.
This is the secret of a "shining city upon a hill." Available to all.
Ancient Greece did not have this message, and neither does Athens today. But the American Founders did, and they expressed that vision-for-freedom in the Delcaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution.
America today hangs in the balance: Will she go the way of ignorance, liberated from freedom and encouraged to accept totalistic state control over lunch rooms, patients, toilets, media, churches, filmmaking, energy, and more?
Or will she advance on the sure foundations of life secured in knowledge and freedom and community liberated -- with our humanity intact -- by a Creator who is objectively and knowably there?
The November election is crucial.
It is a moment to stand in the gap and push back the invader. But it is also an opportunity to educate the wobbly. And to expand the beachhead of freedom in America again.
That's right. Sometimes "Love Thy Neighbor" means hitting the beach.