OK, Folks, Rush Limbaugh "Jazzed" About Paul Ryan
The radio talk-meister just said so on his radio show. Rush said that when it comes to expressing a positive, conservative message, Paul Ryan "breathes it," has "lived it," and "it's in his soul."
Rush said the Ryan pick also shows Romney isn't just interested in winning but also in governing.
There were elements supportive of Rush's optimism in Ryan's speech Saturday, the most important of which being his statement that our rights come from nature and God, not from government. This echoes the Declaration's "laws of nature and of nature's God."
But even if Rush is right about Ryan, the VP nominee will face very much an uphill battle -- not just against Democrats but also against a GOP establishment that itself is tainted by secular, liberal Democrat habits and assumptions.
There is no doubt, however, that such a battle must be waged. And won.