Homosex Activists Boycott Amway
Meaghen Hale reports at LifeSiteNews.com:
In 2009, Amway President Doug DeVos donated half a million dollars to the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). On August 3, his donation came under attack by gay activist Fred Karger’s Rights Equal Rights organization in the form of a global boycott.
DeVos is to be commended for supporting real marriage over against that counterfeit thingy sought by homosexualist extremists.
He is courageously affirming those norms endowed upon humanity by "the laws of nature and of nature's God" (see the Declaration of Indpendence).
And he rightfully stands against homosexualist hatred and discrimination against the institution of marriage, against the male-female diversity of marriage, and against the Creator's liberating norms for human sexuality and married community.
Go ahead, sweeten this hatred by calling it "equality" if it makes you feel better. But it's as real as a three-dollar bill. And, if truth be told, it's cruel and unloving to try to impose this brummagem upon society.
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