150+ Maine Churches to Launch Campaign Protecting Marriage
In an AP story posted at The Blaze:
Scores of Maine churches will pass the collection plate a second time at Sunday services on Father‘s Day to kick off a fundraising campaign for the lead opposition group to November’s ballot question asking voters to legalize same-sex marriages.
Between 150 and 200 churches are expected to raise money for the Protect Marriage Maine political action committee, said Carroll Conley Jr., executive director of the Christian Civic League of Maine evangelical organization and a member of the PAC. Conley is also trying to drum up support for the Maine campaign from religious leaders from around the country.
Kudos to people of goodwill in Maine stepping up to protect kids, families, and marriage from the extremism and aggression of pro-homosexualist activists and their secular enablers in the media and elsewhere.
Love of neighbor includes protecting the neighborhood.
Stand up to monodimensional secularist bullies who despise the wonder and liberation of male-female diversity in marriage.
And overcome those reactionaries who would impose their private, subjective values upon a body politic rooted in verifiable truth rather than relativistic marketing campaigns awash in half-truths, distortion, and invective.
Here is the Facebook page for Protect Marriage Maine.