Obama: Republicans Threaten "Very Core" of America
Here is Obama's statement, as quoted in the Weekly Standard:
The very core of what this country stands for is on the line -- the basic promise that no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from, this is a place where you could make it if you try.
The notion that we're all in this together, that we look out for one another -- that's at stake in this election.
Don't take my word for it. Watch some of these debates that have been going on up in New Hampshire.
The most important part of this is Obama's statement: "Don't take my word for it."
Amen, brother.
Because the core of America, as clearly stated in the Declaration of Independence, is that we are a nation founded upon certain politically actionable truths in regard to God, man, and nature.
Namely, that we are endowed by our Creator with "certain unalienable rights" and that "among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
It is true that many Republicans don't get this. They are therefore part of the problem, insofar as they have drifted from what is the enduring and defining mainstream of American freedom.
But Obama and the liberal, secularist Creator-despising Democrats are in worse shape, and that's because they have purposefully embraced an agenda that stands in total antithesis to the core of America.
America is liberated under a knowable and verifiable Creator, not under the creature Obama, the federal government, czars, homosexuals, abortionists, pornographers, Hollywood, or by platitudinous appeals to "equality" and "diversity."
"Equality" ripped away from the Creator produces sameness and terror as greedy politicians use an absolutely predictable chaos as an excuse to steamroll a rebellious people so that there is no room for real individuality out in society.
That kind of "equality" sees humanity's God-given individuality as a threat that must be liquidated. You might say it loves sin but hates the sinner.
"Diversity" ripped away from the Creator is just another word for anarchy and another excuse to allow Washington and secular elites to further inject themselves into the daily lives and personal affairs of the America people.
Unwise people like Obama will not rest until they "diversify" America to death. That's not hope and change, it's death and decay.
That's why this next election is so vital. Both Obamaism and RINOism must be defeated if what is the core of America as a free and great nation is to survive.
In their place must be a healthy political renewal that operates within the liberating circle of constitutional government that reflects the content and norms of the Declaration of Independence. From that is liberty; against that is tyranny.
History, reason, and present experience show that, beyond this ennobling mainstream, all else is extremism. And that a free people resists. It's the humane thing to do.