Matthews: People Who "Believe in" Creator Are "Troglodytes"
To see the formerly mainstream media at work, here's a video and transcript of MSNBC's Chris Matthews at Real Clear Politics.
By the way, if Matthews were correct, the Declaration of Independence would be a "troglodyte" document -- for it bases the American experiment upon that exceptional being known as the Creator.
Note also that a country that respects and builds upon endowments from the Creator would necessarily be a "troglodyte" country, in the lexicon of Matthews.
You can see how an off-putting, permanent, alienated sneer of hubris might attach itself to the visage of some in the "elite" media.
However, the vision offered by the likes of Matthews is intellectually, morally, politically, and existentially bankrupt. And it's against views such as this that freedom must take her stand.