Win for Romney Equals Trouble for Pro-Family Movement
Chad Groening reports at OneNewsNow:
A pro-family activist contends that if Mitt Romney wins the GOP presidential nomination, it would be a serious hit to those working to stop the government's "normalization" of the homosexual lifestyle.
In Fox News Channel's recent GOP debate, the final one before Iowa's January 3 caucuses, Mitt Romney said he has always been a supporter of "gay" rights.
Those who support "gay" "rights" are also by implication supporting a radical philosophy of government that is the antithesis of the American and human mainstream.
The American mainstream is rooted in the concept of unalienable rights from a real Creator, but homosexual "rights" are merely creations of extremist interest groups and activists who reject the Creator and his liberating norms for family life and human relations.
A bunch of religious god-talk or relativistic secularist piety about "tolerance" does not change this fact. They speak of love but despise the God of love. That's a sale job that free-thinkers need to resist.
The human mainstream affirms the holistic unity of mind, body, and spirit, but the radical homosexual agenda rejects this in favor of a fragmented self, where "gender," ethical norms, and family structure are all reduced to "social constructs."
If you are into a centralized power establishment imposing upon Americans its private, secularized feelings and values, then the homosexualist movement is for you.
But do not think you are advocating life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. The pursuit of brokenness is not the pursuit of "happiness," even if you get everything you want and even if you have a thousand Obamas or Romneys preaching that false gospel from every rooftop or bathhouse.
But if you are for freedom under God and his liberating norms and unalienable rights, then the Republican field offers other candidates who appreciate and respect what is both the American and human mainstream.
If you want freedom, it's probably a good idea to follow the rules for freedom.