"Foreigners Devour Your Land"
As skin is to body, so are borders to nations.
Borders are good things. They make for good neighbors, whether we are talking about the community of nations or the community outside your front door.
Consider this verifiable information from the Creator (Isaiah 1:7 ESV), spoken to ancient Judah and Jerusalem, but perhaps applicable as well to America and Washington in our own day:
Your country lies desolate;
Your cities are burned with fire;
In your very presence
Foreigners devour your land;
It is desolate, as overthrown by foreigners.
This passage is not an attack on foreigners. It is a challenge to a nation that has so lost its way that it no longer can maintain its identity under God. This is self-hatred on a national level.
Yes, borders are good. Boundaries are good.
And just as one would not leave one's front, back, and side doors unlocked and open for any person to walk in off the street, it is a matter of common sense, safety, and love for friend and family that one does not leave the front, back, and side doors of one's nation unlocked and open for any person to walk in from off the international street.
Some say "love" is without limits. Yes, if you mean accepting a person unconditionally and then helping that person move forward into greater depth and communion with God and man.
But no, if you mean borders are bad, irrelevant, and unnecessary. If you have no border or boundary, you do not exist.
This is true of nations and individuals. To think and act otherwise is to open the door to great inhumanity. That is the opposite of love.