Prayer and the Fabric of America
Alan Sears, president and CEO of the Alliance Defense Fund, writes:
Ours is nation built on liberty, the ideals of Western Civilization, and prayer. It is also a nation under assault by people who wish to erase prayer from the list: this much was evident in the vitriol hurled at Texas Gov. Rick Perry when he recently called his fellow governors and President Obama to join him for prayer for our nation.
The current backlash is due either to a genuine lack of knowledge concerning prayer’s place in American history or a seeming untamable desire, on the part of some, to usher in a secular state. For those who seek secularization, there’s probably not much that can be done here to change their mind, but for those whose animosity toward prayer in America is the result of a lack of historical proof, perhaps some good can be done in the next few paragraphs. . . .
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