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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Taxpayer Money Will Help Homosexualist Organizers Establish "Safe Spaces" in Public Schools

By Rick Pearcey • July 27, 2011, 08:57 AM

"A homosexual advocacy group is getting taxpayer money to increase the percentage of schools that set up 'safe spaces' for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth," reports CNSNews.com.

This means radicals on a mission from San Francisco will be using your money to target your children or grandchildren for indoctrination into a factually and ethically challenged "life" that discriminates against the Creator and his liberating norms for family life and human sexuality. 

This is not about "equality." That's a buzz-word employed by marketers and deviance-pimps to push their position. You're supposed the hear it and stop thinking and caring -- immediately, if not sooner.

Instead, this is about eviscerating American exceptionalism as a nation of limited government so that human liberty in community with the Creator, who is the source of unalienable human rights, can find expression in all walks of life.

You can read about it in a little thing called the Declaration of Independence. Still legal in some states and some schools.

Do you love your neighbor? Do you care about education? Should schools be a "safe space" for the advance of American exceptionalism and constitutional government? Then defund the propagandists and get them of our schools and away from our kids.