Taxpayer Money Goes to Study "Organ" Size of Homosexual Men
Clearly, with pressing studies of high priority such as this, it's no wonder that Mr. Obama may not have the money to send out Social Security checks -- what with the debt crisis and everything.
On the other hand, if the federal government prints, say, $10 trillion more in additional pretend money, we may have the resources needed to fund Obama's imposed "Equality Society" for the foreseeable future (not to be confused with the Founder's Declaration vision of "created equal").
And future slaves of America (red and yellow, black and white) will surely gladly participate in this "shared sacrifice" for the "common good" and "least of these" that Obama and Co. are currently organizing upon their backs.
Here's a big question: If on the basis of this progressive study, "equality" fanatic Obama (think: "'Marriage' Equality") discovers "Organ Inequality" among "gay" "men," what then? How might he presume to redistribute that "wealth"?
Obama's Department of Socialized Medicine and Ministry of Happiness could face some real challenges in the near future. Yes, more money and higher taxes may be needed, but, hey, that's the price of civilization. Right?
Then again, there's the Constitution, the Declaration, and the concept of liberty under God. Still legal in Texas.