Resist! FRC Blasts Senate Vote on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
"Today is a tragic day for our armed forces," says Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, in a press statement released today.
Perkins is responding to the "vote by the U.S. Senate to pass cloture for a bill that sets in motion a repeal of the 1993 law on homosexuality in the military, commonly referred to as 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' which codified the prohibition on homosexual conduct in the armed forces that has existed since the nation began," says the statement from FRC.
"The American military exists for only one purpose -- to fight and win wars," says Perkins. "Yet it has now been hijacked and turned into a tool for imposing on the country a radical social agenda. This may advance the cause of reshaping social attitudes regarding human sexuality, but it will only do harm to the military's ability to fulfill its mission."
But far more is at stake than even the U.S. military. This is why any American who cares for the survival of our nation as a people of freedom and dignity in a dangerous world must take up all legal, moral, educational, and ecclesiastical means necessary to repel this ongoing assault upon the foundations of human liberty.
These foundations rest politically exactly at that point where the American Founders placed it in the Declaration of Independence -- upon the Creator, in whose image we are created male and female, and by virture of which we possess "unalienable rights" to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
The homosexualist agenda rejects this Creator, this Declaration, these foundations, and therefore, this nation. This alien and alienating agenda would replace the "Blessings of liberty" and "unalienable rights" with pseudo-"rights" created by Washington and blessed by San Francisco. In this struggle, therefore, we are witnessing the curse of a nation in decline not the blessings of liberty among a people on the rise.
Anything else is wishful thinking on a grand scale. For the attempt to build a society apart from the Creator has been tried before, and failed before, as the Founders well understood.
We've seen this failure in the fragmentation of ancient Greece, the totalitarianism of classical Rome, the blood of revolutionary France, the socialism of Nazi Germany, and the Marxism of the Soviet Union. And now out-of-the-mainstream extremists would introduce that cancer into the U.S. military because well-funded radicals have the tin-ear of Washington elites who care not for the Constitution or Declaration.
But there is hope in this December hour. For as was announced some 2,000 years ago, a King has been born to show forth the resistance of God against all inhumanity, all indignity, all enslavement, all death, and all decay. Even when paraded as "rights." It is a message of hope grounded in reality and directed to all of us noble-but-all-too-broken beings who sometimes think we ourselves are the One we've been waiting for.
They killed this King once. But he rose again in space and time. He irreligiously took questions from those unafraid to think and live free and follow the evidence where the politically correct dare not tread. Today the liquidators of liberty are targeting an exceptional American experiment in freedom that respects that King, an America the Founding Fathers knew so well.
And so we fight. For if freedom is to live, despisers of liberty must fail. And face resistance forevermore. Not because America is over. But because with these extremists in power, it would never have begun.
Beware a King who lives and dies and yet lives again, for then evil is ever in question. His warriors tire but never give up. Some fly as eagles. All renew their strength. Freedom could break out at any moment.