Oaths and Constitutions
With the commencement of the 112th U.S. Congress in January in view, K.E. Campbell at American Thinker reflects on the "oaths our representatives will take and the pledges they will make." Campbell writes:
The words of the oath ["to support and defend the U.S. Constitution"] and Pledge [of Allegiance] resonate like never before amid the progressives' relentless assault on our founding principles, our values, our beliefs, and our liberty. It is apparent that too many members of Congress simply utter these oaths aloud in rote fashion and give them short shrift -- or worse -- without any consequence.
Reflecting on the Congressional customs above and re-reading the oath and the Pledge, how can it possibly be that those who revere the Constitution are somehow "extreme"? The answer is, of course, we are not, but progressives and their sympathizers in the mainstream media are determined to cast us that way in their effort to "fundamentally transform America" in pursuit of some sort of post-Constitutional socialist utopia.
We should expect and demand our elected representatives to uphold their solemn oaths. We should remind them of their sworn statements, their promises of loyalty, their pledge of fidelity to our founding doctrines and principles. Those who endeavor to dismantle or subvert our Constitution and undermine our liberty should be deemed what they are in the oaths: "enemies," be they "foreign or domestic."