Pro-Homosexual Sen. Boxer Likens U.S. to Iran, NKorea, Pakistan
"Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) today likened the United States of America to Iran, North Korea and Pakistan because those nations also do not allow homosexuals in their militaries," reports
The intellectual vacuity of this senator's position seems clear: The enduring and defining mainstream of the American experiment -- as expressed in the Declaration of Independence -- is that unalienable rights are endowments from the Creator.
Fundamental human rights are not the creation of the secular state (North Korea), a religiously fascist state (Iran), or of a state whose official religion, Islam, does not allow people to question the presumed deity (Pakistan). Nor are unalienable rights the creation of senators from California or activist groups from San Francisco.
Moreover, the Creator who is the source of these rights is also the source of the objective, enduring, and liberating social norms regarding family life and marriage, norms which are rejected by the homosexual activist agenda in its attempt to redefine America according to the private "values" of 60s-style radicalism (ill-founded notions of "diversity," gender, and choice).
In her attempt to derive unalienable rights out of a totally adequate basis, and then impose her merely private belief system upon the rest of us, by force of law, it is out-of-the-American-mainstream radicals such as Sen. Boxer who would be more at home in North Korea, Iran, and Pakistan, than here in the U.S.
The U.S. military is protecting our nation from extremism and tyranny abroad. It is up to we the people in America to protect the military from extremism and tyranny here at home. This is just one of many ways we can say "thank you" to those putting their lives on the line for human liberty.