Paper: Out of the Mainstream Obama "Breaking America's Spirit"
An editorial in the Augusta Chronicle asserts, "Voters bought into a disastrous president -- despite all the warnings."
It is crucial to understand, as we first argued here, that both Obama and much journalism today are clearly and decidedly -- and, therefore, destructively -- out of the defining and enduring American mainstream. They are part of the problem. They are not part of the solution.
That essence of the American mainstream is rooted not in secularism or in liberalism (or in a secularized version of "conservatism"), but in the only known adequate basis for human freedom and dignity, and, therefore, for political liberty.
This, of course, is the Founders' vision, rooted and sustained by the living waters of a real Creator who gives real unalienable rights in the real world. Without this in place, the content of the Declaration falls to the ground, and the Constitution has nothing of substance to protect.
Any society that rejects that mainstream cannot help but slide into varieties of unfreedom and indignity. Whether quickly or slowly, whether by coup, corruption, or cultural decline, it is really only a matter of time plus crisis (taken advantage of by greedy politicians) before a once-free people become beggars in chains waiting for an all-powerful government to provide another round of stimulus, milk, and honey.
Either that, or resist. Either that, or find the rock of freedom and stand.
What Is "Mainstream" America?
Collaborationist Media Spike Muslim Convert's Murder of U.S. Soldier
How the New Resistance Can Win the Culture War
Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, & Meaning