Keyes Calls Out Rush on "Gay" Marriage
In "Rush to Judgment on 'Gay' Marriage," Alan Keyes writes:
As I heard it in a clip played recently on Steve Deace's show on WHO radio in Des Moines, Rush Limbaugh has now openly joined the moral shrug-meisters who dismiss the issue of gay marriage.
Like Glenn Beck, he casually denies the damage done when a society purports to redefine marriage (that is, the institutional foundation of family life) in a way that denies the relevance of God endowed natural right.
Mr. Limbaugh would, I'm sure, disclaim any desire to cast aside the principled basis of the U.S. Constitution.
But, as I have pointed out before, the family is the primordial paradigm for all property rights, which is to say, all human claims to physical belongings.
If the government is not obliged to respect the rights of the natural family, this implies that it has no obligation to respect any property rights whatsoever.
Keyes concludes:
Rush Limbaugh may think that the reasoning that connects the issue of gay marriage with the destruction of property rights is somehow faulty, incorrect or irrelevant.
If so, I would welcome a chance to discuss the subject with him in a public forum that would allow others as well as myself to benefit from his instruction.
If it is superior understanding that leads him to be so casual about an issue that seems to affect the very foundation of our liberty and civilization, it would be deeply ungenerous of him to refuse to share it with the rest of us.
If, on the other hand, he does so through ignorance, or a lack of careful thought, then at this critical and decisive juncture in our nation's history, a special responsibility falls to someone to whom God has loaned the important public platform he daily occupies.
For the sake of the nation, I hope that Mr. Limbaugh will carefully ponder the nature of this responsibility.