Project 21 Chairman Blasts Sharpton Over Glenn Beck Rally, Christian Commitment
"The chairman of a national leadership network of black conservatives Friday took the Rev. Al Sharpton to task over his criticism of Glenn Beck’s 'Restoring Honor' rally, held Saturday, on the 47th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s 'I Have a Dream' speech," reports
"Mychal Massie, chairman of Project 21, challenged Sharpton to a debate over whether race is more important than 'the equality of all men under the Constitution and under God.'"
Massie also challenged the authenticity of Sharpton's calling as a minister of the gospel.
"If Al Sharpton claims to be a minister, then he needs to get back to his Christian roots, if indeed he ever had them, and start preaching Jesus Christ and stop preaching discord and racial animus," Massie told CNSNews.
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