Nancy Pearcey at American Thinker
Today at American Thinker you can read Nancy's article titled, "Fact," "Values," and the Redefinition of "Marriage."
Here's the first paragraph:
The ruling that overturned California's Proposition 8 last week is a significant step in America's descent into secularism. The decision builds a case for same-sex marriage by pitting objective "facts" against "private values," then dismissing values as a basis for law -- a favorite strategy in the secularist playbook.
From her conclusion:
It has become a truism that politics is downstream from culture, and this case is a stunning example. It writes into law a secularized view of truth -- an epistemology, to use a technical term. No matter what happens legally, the judge's reasoning will be influential in the further secularization of American law and policy.
Those who wish to have a healthy political impact must understand the underlying ideas that drive politics. When the fragmented secular view of truth is taught in the universities and law schools, it will eventually be imposed upon the entire society with the bang of a gavel. And that is a fact.
In her new book Saving Leonardo, Nancy exposes the historic and ongoing destructive impact of secularism upon modern thought and society, including how it affects for ill our daily lives. And she builds a case for a humane and holistic resistance that affirms, by the way, what I would argue is the essential mainstream of the American experiment in human freedom and dignity.
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