7 Questions: Why a Mega Mosque in Murfreesboro, TN?
By Rick Pearcey • August 23, 2010, 10:27 AM
Eileen Toplansky over at American Thinker raises 7 questions about plans to build a multimillion-dollar mega mosque in Murfreesboro, Tenn. Here is news video on the mosque.
Among the questions Toplansky raises:
- "How is this mega mosque being funded?"
- "Why is a mega mosque being built when about only 250 Muslim families live in this southern town?"
- "Will the Muslim Brotherhood who espouses the waging of jihad against non-Muslim infidels be an active force behind this and other planned mosques?"
Let me suggest two additional questions:
- Do Americans realize that while all people are created equal, not all religions are created equal? Unless you would be led around like a fool, it is crucial that free-thinking people created in the image of God carefully choose their worldview on the basis of knowable truth as opposed to mere feelings, tradition, peer pressure, and so on.
- Has secular liberalism so infected the American ethos that this country, which is founded upon real-world content and verifiable information from a knowable and rational Creator (as opposed to a mere "belief system" or "value system"), that our freedoms rooted in unalienable rights and blessings from the true Creator now hang in the balance?
For further reading, the following resources may be helpful:
O'Reilly, Letterman, and the Culture War
Christmas Spirit in the Dirt
How the New Resistance Can Win the Culture War