Books: "Crimes Against Liberty," by David Limbaugh
A review copy of David Limbaugh's new book, Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama, has arrived in the mail, and it looks tremendous.
To give you an idea of the timeliness of, and need for, this book, here is what's on the front and back inside flaps of the cover:
Was This the Hope and Change America Voted For?
* Socialized healthcare?
* A foreign policy of abasement to our enemies -- and hostility to our friends
* Bailouts upon bailouts?
* "Stimulus spending" that’s really pork-barrel spending on steroids?
American voters might have been naïve when they went to the polls in 2008, but New York Times bestselling author David Limbaugh wasn’t. He warned voters of what would be in store. Now he’s back with more than a warning. A practicing lawyer, he has compiled the most comprehensive and devastating indictment of what is turning out to be the most destructive presidency in American history.
Limbaugh charges that this presidency is ambitiously unraveling the Constitution, actively rooting out American traditions and values, and most of all, committing crimes against American liberty.
In Limbaugh’s brilliant new book, he documents:
* Obama’s offenses against the rule of law (including the administration’s blatant pursuit of race-based justice)
* Violations of the public trust (including Obama’s Chicago-style bully boy tactics to protect and advance the administration’s cronies)
* Abuses against the private sector (including how the Obama administration is removing any limits to federal power)
* Crimes against good governance (including Obama’s mania for secrecy after getting elected on promises of transparency)
* Betrayals of the national interest (including the administration’s gagging of honest discussion of the threat of radical Islam)
* And much, much more
If there was ever a must read -- this is it. Crimes Against Liberty is a stunning tour de force -- a detailed indictment against a president who is pursuing an agenda at odds with the Constitution and that is even more radical than most people realize.
Crimes Against Liberty officially goes on sale this Monday, August 23, and as part of the launching of the book, David is scheduled to appear with Sean Hannity on Fox Monday evening at 9 pm eastern.
Full disclosure: David Limbaugh is a friend of mine, and I was primary editor of his great book Persecution.