Video: Congresswoman Runs From Townhall Questions, Relies on Thug to Intimidate
At a townhall event this weekend, Rep. Melissa Bean (D-Ill.) seemed to have everything in order, but then a guy with a video camera showed up.
He was asking questions and everything. Like he thinks he's got some kind of power. Like he thinks he's an illegal alien or something.
This guy even asked whether the Obamacare healthcare mandate "is constitutional."
"You have a good night," the congresswoman explained. As she jumped into her getaway car.
Good thing Ms. Melissa had a thug on hand to make sure the federal government continues to run smoothly.
Meanwhile, the Thug Community must be wondering: Whatawegonnado with all these Tea Party plants?
"Hey, Jimbo Thunderbrain. Where'd you put that race card?"
Well, here's video. More at Gateway Pundit.
Hat tip: Beltway Confidential