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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nancy Pearcey's "Saving Leonardo" Now at Amazon

By Rick Pearcey • July 21, 2010, 12:17 PM

For information on, or to pre-order, Nancy's new book, Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, & Meaning, please see the page at Amazon.

The book officially launches just a few weeks from now on September 1.

Here are a few endorsements:

"A feast for the mind and for the eye. Nancy Pearcey not only is a trustworthy guide for a nuanced discussion on the relationship between culture and the gospel, but she is a gifted teacher as well . . . Saving Leonardo is a rare, precious gift to the churches and universities alike."

-- Makoto Fujimura, artist and author of Refractions: A Journey of Faith, Art, and Culture

"G. K. Chesterton said 'the danger when Men stop believing in God is not that they'll believe in nothing; but that they will believe in anything.' Nancy Pearcey understands where believing in anything leads and in this book she reveals where a secular philosophy is taking us. A balanced, fair, and impacting work!"

-- Cal Thomas, syndicated and USA Today columnist

"Nancy Pearcey helps a new generation of evangelicals to understand the worldview challenges we now face and to develop an intelligent and articulate Christian understanding . . . Saving Leonardo should be put in the hands of all those who should always be ready to give an answer -- and that means all of us."

-- R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

"Nancy Pearcey has done it again and better than ever. She has taken the complex sophistication of the best cultural analysis and laid it out for any person to grasp, enjoy, and use to live out their daily lives honoring Christ. An astounding accomplishment!"

-- James Sire, author of The Universe Next Door

"Nancy Pearcey is an intellectual prophet in our day and one of Evangelicalism's foremost cultural observers. Saving Leonardo is a tour de force. In it, Pearcey provides a penetrating analysis of the nature of contemporary secularism, a helpful exposition of how we got to the present situation, and a well-crafted strategy for changing the situation. This is her best effort yet . . . a must read."

-- J. P. Moreland, distinguished professor of Philosophy, Biola University and author of The God Question

"Brilliant . . . The book brings complex, abstract ideas down-to-earth -- or, rather, down-to-life. . . . Saving Leonardo bridges the gaps between the arts and the sciences, the theoretical and the practical. The book not only argues for the unity of Christian truth but exemplifies that unity and shows it in action."

-- Gene Edward Veith, Provost, Patrick Henry College

"Nancy Pearcey is unsurpassed in the current generation of Christian thinkers . . . The magic continues with this book. Pearcey's virtues as a writer and thinker are once again fully evident in the range of material that she has mastered, the encyclopedic collection of data that she presents, and the analytic rigor with which she separates truth from error in worldviews. She is a prophetic voice for contemporary Christians."

-- Leland Ryken, Clyde S. Kilby professor of English, Wheaton College

Note: The statements from James Sire and Gene Edward Veith were added July 29, 2010.