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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Why Does Obama Avoid Reporters?

By Rick Pearcey • July 8, 2010, 10:07 AM

"Let's face it," Ed Lasky writes at American Thinker. "The more Barack Obama exposes of himself the more America has no confidence in, or respect for, him. His serial lies have become obvious, as has his lack of knowledge. America was sold a story -- and this story has a very bad ending."

Lasky asks another question: "Why have reporters not publicly criticized [Obama] for being unavailable?"

Could it possibly be they don't want their man, their ideological soulmate, exposed?

And could it be that the formerly mainstream media realize they need this extremely out-of-the-American-mainstream White House denizen to protect them (read: taxpayer-funded bailouts) from the continuing collapse of their propaganda empire as regular people reject their prefabricated "journalism"?

Freedom means being able to question authority in a sustained manner -- be that of presidents, preachers, corporations, and so on. This is one of the "blessings of liberty" endowed upon humanity by a reasonable Creator who himself equips people with a "critical distance" to arm themselves against scallywags, snake-oil salesmen, and counterfeit saviors of humanity.