They Said What About Nancy Pearcey's New Book "Saving Leonardo"?
"Astounding," "Brilliant": As you might imagine, we're more than a little pleased to announce the following endorsements of Saving Leonardo from author James Sire (The Universe Next Door) and author/provost Gene Edward Veith (The State of the Arts):
"Nancy Pearcey has done it again and better than ever. She has taken the complex sophistication of the best cultural analysis and laid it out for any person to grasp, enjoy, and use to live out their daily lives honoring Christ. An astounding accomplishment!"
-- James Sire, author of The Universe Next Door
"Brilliant. . . . The book brings complex, abstract ideas down-to-earth -- or, rather, down-to-life. . . . Saving Leonardo bridges the gaps between the arts and the sciences, the theoretical and the practical. The book not only argues for the unity of Christian truth but exemplifies that unity and shows it in action."
-- Gene Edward Veith, Provost, Patrick Henry College
Nancy's latest book is set to publish September 1. For more information, or to pre-order, please go to the Saving Leonardo page at Amazon.
Note: I have added these two endorsements to those already published here.