Pink Floyd Duo Reunite for Charity With Terror Links?
"Fans had assumed their Live 8 collaboration was their last hurrah, but Pink Floyd's David Gilmour and Roger Waters have put their differences aside to perform on stage for charity once more," reports the UK Independent. "The musicians, who fell out in the early 1980s, performed at a fundraising event hosted by Jemima Khan to help Palestinian children."
According to the Independent, the "performance by the bass player and guitarist was for the Hoping Foundation (Hope and Optimism for Palestinians in the Next Generation), organised by Bella Freud."
As a fan of Pink Floyd, seeing Gilmour and Waters together again is terrific, and to do so for charity is equally appealing.
However, this particular "charity" may be problematic. In June 2008, blogger Debbie Schlussel reported that the Hoping Foundation is a "front-group for HAMAS and other Islamic terrorist groups." Her reporting was picked up Muslims Against Sharia.