Sarah Palin "Mama Grizzlies" Video Neglects Vital Point
"A new video from Sarah Palin's political action committee invokes the power of 'common-sense conservative women' as she urges 'mama grizzlies' to let the nation hear them roar," reports Newsmax.
This video is well-crafted, inspiring, and strong in its appeal to women to stand up and resist the Washington-centric attack upon their "cubs."
But something vital is underemphasized. Only one image in this video gets to the heart of what really is at stake politically in this moment in history. "Mama Grizzlies" offers only brief footage in which we see a woman holding a sign that reads: "Moms Opposed to Mandates! Unconstitutional!"
This neglect is unfortunate. For the Constitution (as written) is at the center of the struggle today and where we must stand politically and culturally for freedom against a voracious regime. Furthermore, if you examine history, you see that the liberating balance between "form and freedom" (as Francis Schaeffer would describe it) expressed in the Constitution is rather uncommon sense.
The mistake of extremists such as Obama and the Democrats, and the mistake of double-minded Republicans, is at the crucial point of turning away from the Founders' liberating Constitutional vision protecting an American republic declared independent on the basis of real and verifiable information about the Creator, humanity, and the origin and basis of unalienable rights. This vision-for-freedom includes our responsibilities as citizens "created equal" to hold elected officials accountable and keep government within its proper sphere so that freedom is not devoured by federal bureaucrats "here to help."
Yes, women should rise up, and are rising up, to protect their cubs. But on what basis are they to be motivated, and what content is true enough, and therefore strong enough, to carry them through the ups and downs of electoral politics, the ebb and flow of emotion, the rise and fall of energy to keep fighting the good fight?
Palin, at times, has provided the more complete solution -- that of common sense Constitutional conservatism -- so that what is "conserved" is not just "tradition," the past, "the way we did it before," and so on.
What especially needs to be "conserved" is the fire of revolution based on who we are in our enduring American identity as citizens of resistance and in our enduring human identity as creatures of resistance, both of which are expressed in the Declaration of Independence and in the U.S. Constitution.
Words matter. Even one word matters. Constitution is one of them. Words can be weapons of truth for freedom or tools of propaganda for manipulation and slavery.
If "mama grizzlies" want to protect their cubs from a devouring out-of-control federal government that will attack again and again, the best defense is to rise up with Constitution in hand. The Constitution, and the vision for which it stands, is death to government tyranny.
Go for the jugular, mama grizzlies. Show the kids how it's done.
Palin Speaks in Asia: The Challenge for "Common-Sense Conservatism"
From Going Rogue to Going Constitutional