In Defense of Andew Breitbart
"The media and progressive-left Democrats now appear in a rush to convict Andrew Breitbart of shoddy journalism, while exonerating Shirley Sherrod and the NAACP from charges of abiding racism within their ranks," writes Dan Riehl at Human Events.
"Both Sherrod and the NAACP have charged the Tea Party movement and the Republican Party with racism, while offering less proof than Breitbart did of the racism he correctly alleged," Riehl continues.
"In many cases, the Left has outright manufactured evidence of racism regarding Tea Party events, yet no one has raised a voice about that slander at all. If one didn't know better, this wouldn't be today's news, but an Orwellian script circa 1984."
Racism! Racism! Racism! And Oh by the Way: Racism!
Racist NAACP vs. Humane Tea Party
How the New Resistance Can Win the Culture War
Video: Shirely Sherrod Full Speech at NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner