Ex-Porn Star on Capitol Hill
"Porn destroys human lives and is destroying our nation," says Shelly Luben, founder of the Pink Cross Foundation, in town for a briefing at the U.S. Capitol.
Private choices have public consequences. Always have, always will. Some choices emancipate, others enslave.
This holds true for politicians, ministry leaders, entertainers, and the neighbor next door. To be a person is to externalize one's inner thought world, whether that world is one of light and truth or of darkness and destruction.
This is inescapable and cannot be legislated away. And you can be sure that those who are stumbling as persons in the arena of their private lives will be weakened, if not failing, as persons in the arena of their public lives.
More quickly than one might think, this can mean the difference between freedom and unfreedom, the difference between self-government and a boot on the throat. The destiny of nations begins at home.
Rolled Model: Tennis Pro Harkleroad "Proud of My Body"
Bruni-Sarkozy and the Unbearable Lightness of Nudity