Obama Thugs Storm Private Home
Andrea Tantaros writes at FoxNews.com:
This past Sunday [May 16], in one of the most aggressive and offensive intimidation tactics to date, hundreds of members of the largest union -- the SEIU -- stormed the front yard of Bank of America deputy general counsel Greg Baer’s home. The angry mob had bullhorns, signs and even broke the law by trespassing to bully Baer’s teenage son, the only one home at the time, who locked himself in the bathroom out of fear.
"If you think the unions are working alone, think again," Tantaros writes.
"These protests, the ones storming Wall Street bank lobbies and now the private homes of bankers, are likely being carefully coordinated with the White House to increase their profile against the financial fat cats and help pass disgraced Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd’s financial regulatory bill," she writes.
"Remember, when the White House visitor records were finally made public, it was SEIU boss Andy Stern who was the most frequent guest."
In "What's Really Behind the SEIU's Bank of America Proests?," Nina Easton recalls that the intimidations of that Sunday were preceded by "a peaceful, sun-crisp afternoon" during which her toddler was "finally napping upstairs." And then, suddenly, "my front yard exploded with 500 screaming, placard-waving strangers on a mission to intimidate my neighbor, Greg Baer."
Baer, Easton continues, "is deputy general counsel for corporate law at Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500), a senior executive based in Washington, D.C. And that -- in the minds of the organizers at the politically influential Service Employees International Union and a Chicago outfit called National Political Action -- makes his family fair game."
If Baer and his family can be targeted by allies of Barack Obama, who in America might be next? Who in principle in Barack Obama's America can count their families safe?
If private homes and properties can be targeted by allies of the current regime, while police stand by and do nothing, who in America can escape the intimidations of community-organized anger, especially when bused-in "neighbors" have friends in "high places"?
What does this direct action ("get in your neighbor's face") tell us about the current regime occupying the White House in Washington, D.C.? Are we possibly witnessing the rise here in America of private armies and shirts brown and black that we know about in the not distant history of Germany and Italy? And how should America -- the mainstream of America as defined by the Declaration and Constitution -- respond?