No 9/11 Mosque!
Pamela Geller writes at Human Events:
The Community Board for New York City’s financial district last week unanimously approved the construction of a 13-story mosque and Islamic cultural center right across from Ground Zero. . . .
The very idea of building a mosque at Ground Zero is a manifestation of Islamic domination and expansionism. The location is no accident. Just as it was no accident that the Al-Aqsa Mosque was built on top of the Temple in Jerusalem.
And what about the Hagia Sophia, the ancient cathedral of the church of Constantinople, which was the grandest church in Christendom at the time it was built in the 6th century and for 1,000 years thereafter? It was converted to a mosque in 1453 when the Muslims conquered Constantinople. Now it is a museum, but Islamic prayers are allowed in it while Christian prayers are not. It is now, of course, the Aya Sofya mosque -- they didn’t change the name, just Islamified it.
"Free Americans are not taking this lying down," Geller concludes. "Stop Islamization of America, the new group I have started with bestselling author and Islam expert Robert Spencer, is planning a rallies at Ground Zero on D-Day, June 6, and again on September 10 to say: No 9/11 Mosque!"