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Friday, May 7, 2010

Hatch Blasts Obama Over "Core" Constitutional Values

By Rick Pearcey • May 7, 2010, 08:37 AM

Dominique Pastre writes at Fox's Row 2, Seat 4

After meeting with the president on Wednesday to discuss the [Supreme Court] vacancy [that arises from the retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens], Utah Republican Orrin Hatch blasted Mr. Obama for being "selective" about what he wants justices to defer to Congress. 

"He wants them to use values that are not within the Constitution to strike down legislation that he does not like, but wants them to ignore values that are in our written Constitution to uphold legislation that he does like," Hatch said in a speech at the Cato Institute.  

"Judges, just like presidents and senators, take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, not core constitutional values."

The only truly living Constitution is the real one, the written one, the one with words that have meaning, the point of which is to defend a government and Declaration way of life based on a real and verifiable Creator who is the giver of the "blessings of liberty" and the only adequate basis for "unalienable rights."

It's not up to any Washington politician to impose upon a free and dignified people his private views on what constitutes the Constitution's "core values."

Please, Mr. Obama, uphold the constitutional Oath of Office (Art II, Sec 1, Clause 8). No more, no less.

Instead of serving up liberal gobbledygook about "core constitutional values," please simply "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Please, Mr. Obama, uphold the constitutional Oath of Office. No more, no less.

That character, and not the mere pigmentation of your skin, would be truly historic.