Homofascist Lesbian Complains, Christian Counselor Fired
Apart From Innumerable Examples Like This, Homosexed Activists Of Course Have No Agenda: "Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) is appealing a court decision involving a Georgia counselor who claims to have been wrongfully fired," reports OneNewsNow.
"Marcia Walden is a licensed counselor who referred a lesbian to someone else for counseling because of her religious beliefs," continues OneNewsNow. "A complaint was filed, and within two weeks, Walden was fired. Her attorney says an appeal is in the works."
When "civil rights" are ripped away from their legitimate origin in the Creator, who is the source of unalienable rights and the blessings of liberty, they becomes twisted into tools of totalitarianism and harsh masters in the machinery of oppression.
Contra comrade Obama's around-the-country sales pitch this week, with each passing day, cracks in the earth and asteroids from above are alternatively swallowing up and destroying the freedom and dignity that are the birthright of exceptional Americans and exceptional human beings around the globe.
There is no alternative for a free people but to resist. Freedom cannot tolerate oppression. So, again, Pretty please, Mr. Obama and Co., stop being mean.