Court Rules Day of Prayer Unconstitutional
"A federal district court in Wisconsin ruled on Thursday that the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional, a decision that has angered a constitutional law firm that filed an amicus brief defending the National Day of Prayer," reports Melanie Hunter-Omar at CNSNews.
It is important to recognize that the defining mainstream of America -- as set forth by the Declaration and Constitution -- is that of freedom under God, not restrictions under decisions handed down by secularized courts that have lost their way.
American freedom is not protected only by the Declaration and Constitution but also by "We the People." And when courts or other expressions of governing power have estranged themselves from the Vision-for-Freedom that defines American (and human) exceptionalism, it is up to "We the People," on the basis of unalienable rights and the Creator-given blessings of liberty, to offer the appropriate and necessary correction.
This ruling is an example of a by-definition extremist federal court that has reached a decision in the oppressive secular mainstream but not in the liberating American mainstream. That's why courts like this, decisions like this, and organizations like the Freedom From Religion Foundation (which filed the case) must be resisted and overcome if America is to repeal tryanny and replace it with freedom.
Update: Don't miss this report from CNSNews, titled "Legal Experts Blast Judge's Decision: If National Day of Prayer Is Unconstitutional, the Constitution Is Unconstitutional."