Congressman: "I Don't Worry About the Constitution"
Except for that part about "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." But wait -- that's in the Declaration of Independence. Not the Constitution. Here it is on YouTube.
This performance by Illinois Rep. Phil Hare -- who is clearly, sadly, tragically, a liar -- should send shivers up and down your spine. That is, if you care about the "little guy." If you care about "the least of these." If you care about the poor and oppressed who face an ever-growing federal establishment of intrusion and greed for power.
Clearly a liar? Such strong language. How dare we utter such a word?
It's called realism. About humanity. About life in a broken world. If you want to live in freedom and dignity.
It's like this, friends: Mr. Hare took an oath of fidelity to the U.S. Constitution -- the rules for freedom -- but when push comes to shove, on the question of his authority, based on the Constitution, to force people to buy healthcare: "I don't know," comes the response. And: "I don't worry about the Constitution on this."
Mr. Hare may be a jolly fellow, an all-around great guy in other respects. But in regard to the defining center of his job as a representative of the the great State of Illinois in the U.S. Congress, he is an admitted liar vis-a-vis his oath to the U.S. Constitution.
That is a big deal.
Don't sugar coat this. It's tyranny. In the past, some used autobahns and Volkswagens to sell their real agenda. Others today use healthcare. Or saving the planet. In all cases, beware the Trojan horse of "sincere" tyrants who have a wonderful plan for your life.
These people and their philosophy should be harried. These people and their philosophy should be run out of office on a rail. That's what November 2010 and thereafter is all about. Their philosophy is false and therefore destructive of human freedom and dignity.
Politeness is perferred. But there are times when rattling the tea cups may be in order -- such as when arsonists are caught red-handed burning down the house of liberty. The community needs to be alerted. The arsonists stopped in their tracks.
In many respects, we are past the time of "Pretty please, don't impose unconstitutional, tyrannical government upon me and my family."
Smoke fills the house of freedom and flames scorch her walls. The Redcoats are upon the land. That's why Paul Revere rides again.