Battleground: Free Speech About Leaving Islam
"Advertising on taxpayer-funded transit has become the latest free speech battleground -- and the the cause of freedom just won a significant victory," writes Pamela Geller at American Thinker. "The Council on American-Islamic Relations tried to defeat free speech in Miami, with the lapdog media on its side, and was just handed a major defeat."
It is encouraging to see two extremist elements inside America -- the formerly mainstream media and the hardly mainstream Council on American-Islamic Relations -- go down in defeat on this.
The one exhibits an extremism of secular authoritarianiam that places media power in the service of a fundamentally unquestioned and unlimited federal state. The other exhibits an extremism of religious authoritarianism that places political power in the hands of unquestioned and unquestionable spiritual elites upon pain of punishment or death.
In sharp contrast, the authentic and enduring American mainstream is defined by the DNA of freedom as set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, which affirm and protect a culture and a way of politics rooted in a rational and verifiable Creator who is the source of unalienable rights and the giver of the "blessings of liberty."
In the American mainstream, this Creator is not, as it were, a "person of faith" in the weak and non-Biblical sense of the word articulated in some ciricles today.
Instead, this Creator embraces and respects human freedom, open discussion, reason, empirical evidence, and freedom of speech. What a contrast to the closed-mindedness of secularists and pie-in-the-sky socialists and religionists who have found such comforting and exclusive sanctuaries in Hollywood, the media, the campus, the White House, and Capitol Hill today.
A healthy body politic will of course work to remove extremist cancers against human freedom and human dignity, including any GOP or Democrat politician who swears an oath to defend the Constitution but who in his worldview and political activity works tirelessly to undermine and replace it and, thereby, freedom.
That's what voting and political engagement in 2010 and thereafter is all about: A peaceful advance against the regressive forces of reaction that fear freedom from tyranny (of course, they market their slavery as "equality," "diversity," "tolerance," and other forms of bait on the hook).
Out-of-the-American-mainstream extremists such as Obama, the Democrats, and their fellow travelers must decrease if freedom for humanity liberated by the Creator of the Declaration is to increase.