Turning America Into a Banana Republic
Peter Ferrara writes at American Spectator:
When Ben Franklin first emerged from the Constitutional Convention, he was asked by a passerby, "What government have you given us?" Franklin replied, "A Republic, if you can keep it."
For 220 years, until last year, we did keep it. America was a democratic constitutional republic, governed by the rule of law, a beacon of liberty to the entire world. But no more. After just one year of Barack Obama's fundamental change, aided by the far left House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from San Francisco, and the easily confused Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, America has been transformed from a Constitutional Republic into a Banana Republic.
It is true that Obama is desperately trying to impose an unconstitutional, anti-Declarational, and anti-American vision upon our country. But he has not yet succeeded. Even if the Frankenstate known as Obamacare is signed into law, it does not follow that he will have succeeded.
Americans who understand who they are and what that means will resist. "We the People," under God, define America the free -- not secular elites and their abusive minions.
The path before us is one of two destinies: One of peace, liberty, and justice for all under the rule of law, unalienable rights, and the blessings of liberty from the Creator who gives the blessings.
Or there is this other destiny: One of no peace, no liberty, and no justice under the rule of elites, relativistic "rights," and the impositions of arbitrary power from a Washington-centric establishment that will look after its own.
Before Americans today is a choice: The way of Franklin or the way of the other guy.
Blessed is the country that walks in paths of freedom.