Shall We Shoot the GOP?
If the GOP, in the face of Obamacare tyranny, is unwilling to commit principially, strategically, and tactically, with rigor and purity, to limited constitutional, Declarational government -- including unalienable rights as blessings from a real Creator (just like the Declaration affirms) -- then someone should shoot it and put it out of its misery.
America has work to do to tear herself free of the chains of Obama and the Democrats. A people yearning for a rebirth of freedom and dignity can no longer afford to be weighted down by half-hearted schemers who have sold out to the secularist, power-greedy Washington-centric establishment.
The stakes are too high, the moment to precarious, the cost to dear, to leave the work of freedom to hypocrites or opportunists.
This is your challenge, GOP: Get focused, get in the fight, or get out of the way.