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Thursday, February 25, 2010

NCAA Yanks Focus on the Family Ad

By Rick Pearcey • February 25, 2010, 09:55 AM

AP reports:

Weeks after scoring a publicity coup with a 30-second Super Bowl ad featuring Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow, conservative Christian group Focus on the Family is at the center of another marketing tug-of-war -- this time involving the major governing body of college sports. 

The National Collegiate Athletic Association removed a Focus on the Family banner ad from one of its Web sites this week, NCAA spokesman Bob Williams said Wednesday.

The NCAA made the decision after some of its members   -- including faculty and athletic directors -- expressed concern that the evangelical group's stance against gay and lesbian relationships conflicted with the NCAA's policy of inclusion regardless of sexual orientation, Williams said.

The NCAA's groveling obedience to political correctness is a pro-homosexist anti-family attack -- and yet another reason for millions of free-thinking Americans to rise up in loving rebellion to declare their God-given and Creator-based independence against secular tyranny masking itself as personal liberation.