Sen. Mary Landrieu Declines to Say Where Constitution Allows Forced Purchase of Health Insurance
Ah, But That's No Big Deal: In response to a question from CNSNews about the constitutionality of forcing Americans to buy health insurance, the Louisiana senator replied, “Well, we’re very lucky as members of the Senate to have constitutional lawyers on our staff, so I’ll let them answer that.”
Apparently, not only are some U.S.-federal senators not reading the massive piles of legislation on which they vote, and by which they bind the American people, but they also have not read, or are not knowledgeable of, the U.S. Constitution. Does that sound like good government?
In what sense can America be said to be a constitutional republic of freedom if elected officials in the House, Senate, and White House are unable or not willing to specify the constitutional authority by which they legislate and otherwise "represent" a people of freedom and dignity?
Clearly, this smacks of "governmentation without representation." There's nothing "lucky" about that, and it hardly sounds like good government.
But in the Spirit of 1776, if history is our guide, it could mean bad government is on the way out and good government is on the way in. Do you hear the drum and fife?
Senators engorging themselves at the taxpayer-supplied federal trough may not hear the march and music of freedom beyond the slurp and swallow of selfishness. But outside the bloated Beltway, in the land of the free, the song of liberty rings louder and louder still. Do you hear the drum and life?