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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mark Levin Supports Medal of Honor Winner, 90, Ordered to Remove Flagpole

By Rick Pearcey • December 2, 2009, 06:51 PM

"Col. Van T. Barfoot, a local Medal of Honor winner, is under the gun from his Henrico County community's homeowner association," reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

"In a five-paragraph letter to Barfoot that he received yesterday, Barfoot is being ordered to remove a flagpole from his yard. The decorated veteran of three wars, now 90 years old, raises the American flag every morning on the pole, then lowers and folds the flag at dusk each day in a three-corner military fashion," reports Bill McKelway of the Times-Dispatch.

"In a priority mail letter, the Coates & Davenport law firm in Richmond is ordering Barfoot to remove the pole by 5 p.m. Friday or face 'legal action being brought to enforce the Covenants and Restrictions against you.' The letter states that Barfoot will be subject to paying all legal fees and costs in any successful legal proceeding pursued by the homeowner association's board."

Radio talk show host Mark Levin said on today's program that he is not going to stand by while a Medal of Honor winner is being attacked by these "legal vultures." Levin said on air that the show tried to contact the law firm but was unable to reach anyone. Col. Barfoot lives in the "Sussex Square community in far western Henrico," according to the Times-Dispatch.

Hat tip: Mark Levin radio show