Abortion a "God-Given Right," Says Liberal Leader
Abortion Uber Alles: "Rev. Carlton Veazy, president and CEO of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, told a small crowd of pro-abortion protesters that women have a 'God-given right' to abortion and that opposition from pro-life congressmen and religious leaders would never take it away," reports CNSNews.com.
So that's what George Washington & Co. fought for: The "right" of mothers to choose to kill their babies. Replace the tryanny of an English king with the death sentence of a Colonial mom.
This is a reminder that false "Gods" abound, and religion can be evil. "Test everything," says the Book of Resistance.
Against such inhumanity and evil, a people of freedom and dignity, independent in community with our true Creator, revolt.
The Evil Religious Presidents Do
Religion Very Harmful to People
Abortofascism and Free-Market Homicide